Beijing Arbitration Commission

Foreign Students of theLLM Program at Tsinghua Law School Visit BAC

Publish time: Fri Nov 15 00:00:00 CST 2013

    A delegation of foreign students from the LLM Program in Chinese Law at Tsinghua Law School, led by the program’s teacher LIU Jieying, visited BAC on the morning of November 15, 2013.

    BAC Deputy Director Ms. WANG Hongsong and Senior Secretary CHEN Xi, on behalf of BAC, welcomed the visiting delegation. Through screening the English version of the BAC promo video and making a detailed presentation in English, aided by PowerPoint slides, Secretary CHEN Xi introduced to the visiting foreign students some basic information of BAC, its historical development and the number and total value of cases BAC had handled; and focuses were given to present the remarkable results achieved by BAC in the field of foreign-related arbitration, its independent mediation rules, features of its dispute review, its foreign intern training program, the seven characteristic that set BAC apart from other arbitration institutions, and a few amendments to the upcoming new BAC rules. After the presentation, the students were eager to ask questions, which led to amicable and extensive exchanges on topics such as the development of BAC’s foreign-related arbitration, the difference between rules of dispute review and arbitration rules, trend of change in case types, the relationship between Chinese courts and arbitration institutions.

Students listen to the presentation

    Following the presentation, Secretary CHEN Xi showed the visiting group around BAC facilities, including the arbitration room, case filing room and library. During the visit, the students asked about the daily work of the case secretary and expressed wish to learn more about arbitration case procedures and BAC’s foreign intern training program.

Group photo of the visiting delegation

    Visiting BAC and learning about Chinese arbitration system and operations is a regular exchange program between BAC and the LLM program in Chinese Law at Tsinghua Law School. By this year, the program has welcomed seven groups of LLM students who came from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Hong Kong and other regions and who had excellent legal education and outstanding foreign language skills.

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All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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